Success Stories

While working on my doctorate, I spent many days and nights stressing in front of a computer, surrounded by nothing but junk food. As a result, when I left graduate school I was fifteen pounds heavier than when I started, and not much changed when I became a professor.
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Tara Christian
Standing at only 5 feet tall, I’ve struggled with weight issues most of my life. About a year and a half ago my diet consisted of Taco Bell, McDonalds, Wendys and anything else that had a drive thru window. I didn’t even know how to cook.
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Dawn Boyer
When I was young, I was always thin, fit and athletic. As an adult, my family began to grow and it seemed that life got in the way of staying in shape. My fit-self was turning into a fat-self.
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In 2005 I went on a cruise with my sister! She was celebrating her 49th birthday and I was celebrating my 50th. While looking at pictures taken on the cruise, I decided to run straight to Weight Watchers and the Las Vegas Athletic Clubs!
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Mike Buczek
I think the hardest thing about changing your body is finding the right trainer to really make it happen. It is so easy to fall off the wagon.
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Kathryn Stone
After enjoying many late nights of clubs and cosmos, I woke up one morning only to realize that I was not looking my best, actually I didn’t recognize myself! My body looked unhealthy and I was overweight from my party lifestyle and bad habits. I now look and feel better than ever!
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