LVAC Transform

LVAC TRANSFORM is a FREE transformation tool and Accountability Program designed around three pillars of fitness: (1) exercise, (2) nutrition, and (3) coaching & accountability.

Our Accountability Program combines technology with fitness trainingusing mobile apps like myfitnesspal and wearable devices such as the Fitbit and Jawbone UP. Now you can have the best of all worlds by integrating the logging of your food and activity on either the myfitnesspal app, the Fitbit, or the Jawbone UP device with our dotFIT platform.

LVAC TRANSFORM is a web-based weight loss and nutrition program, and is considered state-of-the-art for nutrition and calorie management. We use the dotFIT program as our accountability platform because of its userfriendly dashboard and progress tracking features, as well as its ability to integrate with some of the most popular apps and wearable devices.

Please watch our LVAC Accountability Program introduction videos below for more information, as well as anintroduction to myfitnesspal, and learn more about the TRANSFORM program.